Tuesday, November 19, 2013

18 Things We Should Start Making Time For

I thought this was worth sharing


1. Writing things by hand. Letters to friends, lists for the store, goals for the week, notes for lovers, thank you cards and memos to coworkers. Digital communication is easy and convenient but ask anybody: there’s a huge difference between texting someone to say that you love them and hope they have a great day and writing it on a note and leaving it next to their bed.

2. Savoring time to do nothing. Taking a cue from pre-industrialized society and cultures that enjoy siestas and long, drawn-out, sit-down teas that serve no other purpose than to spend time enjoying the time you have.

3. Thinking before responding. We’ve become too conditioned to require things immediately. Someone asks a question, and we have to respond that second. Such was not the case before instant messaging and comment threads. A sign of true intelligence and confidence, I think, is someone who takes time to consider the question at hand in a little more depth, and then offers a response.

4. Cooking a nice meal just for the sake of doing so. It really trains you to defy your need for instant gratification and of course puts you in touch with something that’s very human and can be lovely if done right.

5. Getting really dressed up for no other reason than just wanting to.

6. Books. Actual hard copy books that you can scribble notes in and mark off sections of and smell ink through and hear the sound of turning pages and bending spines while you read.

7. Making phone calls to relatives for no other reason than to just say hi, and to ask how they’re doing.

8. Disconnecting from technology frequently enough that we won’t be anxious and feeling like we’re missing something when we try to do so for an extended period of time.

9. Celebrating things with long, multiple course dinners that we hold for people as opposed to just drinking ourselves into an oblivion and being belligerent (that has it’s time and place, of course, but having thoughtful, celebratory dinners is a dying art).

10. Cleaning because it’s satisfying and doing things like painting walls or getting fresh flowers just because it’s therapeutic.

11. Spending time with kids, and doing kid things with them. They just know what’s up.

12. Answering things in a timely fashion, not putting off invitations and requests just because we can.

13. Making sure relationships are actually based on time spent with one another. People seem to be sustaining them through only digital means with increasing frequency and I can understand how that’s important if it’s temporarily long distance but in general, physically being with people is the only thing that will give you that sense of human connectedness.

14. Just sitting and listening to music. We’ve made music background noise in our everyday lives, but now and again we should just sit and enjoy it like people used to.

15. Traveling by train, or if that’s not possible, at least exploring places that you pass everyday. Especially if you live in a big city, there are always little hidden gems around that you won’t believe you lived without seeing while they were a block away from you all along.

16. Putting personal health and well-being first, as it often falls to the wayside in importance. This means, aside from the obvious, taking those personal days and using them to just relax. We’ve made such a quirky commodity out of enjoying napping and relaxing, as though doing so makes us boring and old. It doesn’t, it’s healthy.

17. Planning something, especially with someone else, as simple as dinner or as grandiose as a long vacation next year. You always need something to look forward to.

18. Stopping to talk to people throughout the day. Connecting with them genuinely, as such interaction is really important but is becoming increasingly less common. Turning our phones off when out to dinner (who even turns them off anymore?) and learning to not spend all of our time documenting whatever we’re doing for social media. It often takes away from the experience itself. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I am trying to find the best angle.

Looking down?
Looking up?
How’s my make-up?
No smile?

There are so many ways to look at myself.
But what really captures me?
The way I look affects the way I look.

When I am loving well
When I am doing good
When I am trusting God
When I am singing
When I am rejoicing
When I am smiling
When I am praying

A ha – when I am looking at you.

     This is my best angle,
     This is my best,
     This is my,
     This is,

My best selfie is when I am looking at you.

My best selfie is your reflection in my eyes.

My best selfie is your love.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Mercy's Delight

A soft fuzzy light tiptoes across my prayer time.
        It reminds me of my delight in you.
                        The gentleness of its stare
                                                               and the generosity of its warmth
                    help me to see that you are the hidden treasure that longs to be found.

You are buried deep in the dark, murky waters of suffering and loneliness.

Sea monsters deter me.
Waves knock me down.
Sharks attack.

            But you need your little saints (me), to brave the wild and find you:           
                                                                                                              with MERCY.

As I discover you, I discover your heart beating with mine and it takes my breath away
                                                                                                  because I am a sinner.

              But your grace fills my lungs and mercy floods my soul so that I am able
                                                                                                           to exhale my delight back to you.

Help me to tiptoe your mercy into the world so that others will know 
                                                                                          of your soft and fuzzy delight!

Monday, October 21, 2013

There's a fire, shut up in my bones...

I want to be a black gospel singer. There, I said it. Black gospel music makes me happier than any other kind of music and gospel singers have a particular charisma that makes me want to move. It's a fire that is shut up in my bones and I it burns so hot that I feel like I will explode sometimes. I want to move and dance and smile and clap and get down every time I hear it. That is some kind of magic gift and I thank God for touching the special people he has with that gift. While I am a musician and a pretty darn spunky one at that, I am no gospel singer. I have rhythm but not that special swagger that gospel singers have. But......I think I have it down in my soul and I need to release it somehow. So I am on a gospel quest. I shall listen to gospel music for the next month and I will see if that fire shut in my bones bursts forth! I hope and pray that it does.

Look out world because Jen is the new black. I say all these things with the greatest sincerity and love and I hope there is no offense taken. I love the LORD.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Hospitals are holy ground

I think we are up to 23 days now in the hospital and I've learned that hospitals are holy and the ground beneath them is watered with tears and blood and sorrow and joy and every other kind of grace imaginable. Day after day people are fighting to live and loved ones are standing by watching the fight. Sometimes watching the fight seems just as laborious and the anguish becomes overwhelming.

Nurses are saints, doctors are sages, and every single hospital employee is a warrior showing us how to be brave. Their ordinary is our extra extraordinary. We freak with every pin prick and they remain calm while witnessing people's most intimate moments, people's last breaths, people's poop, people's pain, people's fright. It's humbling and it is amazing.

I thank God for medical professionals because it takes an anointed and holy person to take care of others like they do. God bless Grandma and ease her pain and suffering.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Faith Tested

I went to an amazing funeral yesterday and, as is often the case with funerals, my own faith was tested. It was standing room only with 12+ priests concelebrating and every single surviving family member had a part because every single surviving family member practices their faith. That was the astounding part. Her legacy is OHANA because no one was left behind or forgotten. What a strong testament of Mary's faith as shown and reflected in her family's faith. If only we all could be a reflection of the Father's love the way this family was a reflection of their mother's love.

MY faith was challenged because I'm not sure I will be survived by that kind of legacy and it makes it even harder since I do not have children or even nieces and nephews. My faith legacy will have to be in the people that I meet and befriend and that was a pretty sobering thought. I know that God is working through me (I'd be really dumb and self absorbed if I didn't know it), but is my own personal faith/TRUST in God so very evident that it overflows and pours out so abundantly on the people who are close to me? Or do the people who are close to me, get the worst of me and somehow strangers get my best? I simply do not know. But Mary Sperrazzo's funeral made me want to become a better person, friend, sister, daughter, cousin, and Christian.

I have been blessed to be surrounded by wonderful people like Mary and her family and I only hope that I can be a ray of light to others like they have been to me. Tests are great because they teach me what I don't know yet and what I need to study in order to pass it the next time. May my faith be witnessed in my every word and action so that others will see Christ working through me and then we can all party in heaven together!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The day she discovers her wings, she knows there'll be no stopping her.

Grandma has been in the hospital for about 16 days now. She has been to hell and back, and stays stuck in a purgatory of some sort. She is just so very weak and tired. Each day brings a new challenge and every challenge is more and more tiring. It's hard for her to keep wanting to do it and it's hard for us to keep encouraging her to keep wanting to do it. 

Our essence has been stripped down to a thin thin veil and we need a spiritual boost. We are not yet defeated or close to defeat, but we are in need of prayer, courage, light, and triumph. Even though this phrase is completely overused right now, I will risk being cliche: "Keep Calm and Carry On." 

The minute grandma can physically get up out of bed, look out world, Velma is back and ready to rumble!! 

P.S. I am really going to try and post more regularly in this dang blog! We shall see if that actually happens. 

"I can do small things with great love."

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


The dictionary says that a champion is: a person who has defeated all opponents in a competition or series of competitions, so as to holdfirst place: anything that takes first place in competition: a person who fights for or defends any person or cause: a champion of the oppressed. 

From these definitions, I'd say that the Fighting Irish are indeed the champions! They defeated all their opponents in their season, they took 1st place in the nation, and they defend the oppressed as a University dedicated to Christ. Woo Hoo!

It was a great season and I am always proud to call my self an IRISH fan! And I love Alabama so I get to also be happy for the winners of that particular game. It's a great day for football fans.

I have been humbled this week by families that pray together and put Christ at the center of their lives. It is a great honor to have prayed with Elizabeth and her mom in the hospital today and to share the gift of music with her. I am letting her borrow my ukele for a time and she already learned "Amazing Grace" within 1/2 an hour of picking the thing up. She is an inspiration to me and I know that God has big big plans for her.

There is a stirring in my heart and I don't know what it is telling me but it is almost ready to articulate itself. We will see what becomes of it. Lord, make me ready to hear it's voice.

I pray for people who suffer from addiction and mental illness. Please help those of us not afflicted by these diseases be instruments of healing and peace to them. Give me grace to accept your will in my life and help me to do my personal best every minute of every day. Amen

Monday, January 7, 2013

What would you fight for?

Today is the BCS National Championship game between Notre Dame and Alabama. It was all I thought about for days after ND found out they were in the championship. It is the most exciting thing and yet I feel lack luster somehow.

I just spent a couple of hours at Children's Hospital visiting a middle schooler who is struggling. While we were there I heard screams coming from the next room of a 16 year old girl who is fighting anorexia. She was in agony.

I just had my wedding rings stolen from me by my godson who has been fighting a severe heroin addiction. People are in agony and struggling to survive. There are champions fighting all around me. And, I, dare I say, am actually one of them. I am fighting to forgive, fighting to love radically, fighting to not wallow in the loneliness I am feeling today. It's hard.

Is my defense better or my offense? Do I handle pressure in the pocket well? Do I make stupid mistakes that cost me yardage? Do I make the wrong or right calls? Do I win gracefully? Do I lose graciously? Do I call in support when it's a critical 3rd down situation? Do I attempt a trick play when nothing steady has been working? Do I keep my head in the game when the crowd is too loud? Do I appreciate the people that are playing the game with me? Do I seek the advice of other coaches? Do I get caught up in the hype? Do I let the opponents intimidate me? Do I excessively celebrate and/or do I have poor sportsmanship? Do I bounce back after getting beat up? Do I rehabilitate my injuries properly? Do I second guess my play calls? Do I have confidence in my abilities? Do I love playing or do I just go through the motions?

These are my thoughts today. It seems a little more than just a silly football game or does it? Football may indeed be a metaphor for life somehow. All I know is that at the end of the day, Notre Dame will still belong to Our Lady and so will I, so I guess it's all good. The importance is in the journey and how well you show up and the results may not be evident today or tomorrow, but they will be revealed in time. The key is knowing what you would fight for and fighting a good fight. Go IRISH!