Monday, October 21, 2013

There's a fire, shut up in my bones...

I want to be a black gospel singer. There, I said it. Black gospel music makes me happier than any other kind of music and gospel singers have a particular charisma that makes me want to move. It's a fire that is shut up in my bones and I it burns so hot that I feel like I will explode sometimes. I want to move and dance and smile and clap and get down every time I hear it. That is some kind of magic gift and I thank God for touching the special people he has with that gift. While I am a musician and a pretty darn spunky one at that, I am no gospel singer. I have rhythm but not that special swagger that gospel singers have. But......I think I have it down in my soul and I need to release it somehow. So I am on a gospel quest. I shall listen to gospel music for the next month and I will see if that fire shut in my bones bursts forth! I hope and pray that it does.

Look out world because Jen is the new black. I say all these things with the greatest sincerity and love and I hope there is no offense taken. I love the LORD.

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