Tuesday, January 8, 2013


The dictionary says that a champion is: a person who has defeated all opponents in a competition or series of competitions, so as to holdfirst place: anything that takes first place in competition: a person who fights for or defends any person or cause: a champion of the oppressed. 

From these definitions, I'd say that the Fighting Irish are indeed the champions! They defeated all their opponents in their season, they took 1st place in the nation, and they defend the oppressed as a University dedicated to Christ. Woo Hoo!

It was a great season and I am always proud to call my self an IRISH fan! And I love Alabama so I get to also be happy for the winners of that particular game. It's a great day for football fans.

I have been humbled this week by families that pray together and put Christ at the center of their lives. It is a great honor to have prayed with Elizabeth and her mom in the hospital today and to share the gift of music with her. I am letting her borrow my ukele for a time and she already learned "Amazing Grace" within 1/2 an hour of picking the thing up. She is an inspiration to me and I know that God has big big plans for her.

There is a stirring in my heart and I don't know what it is telling me but it is almost ready to articulate itself. We will see what becomes of it. Lord, make me ready to hear it's voice.

I pray for people who suffer from addiction and mental illness. Please help those of us not afflicted by these diseases be instruments of healing and peace to them. Give me grace to accept your will in my life and help me to do my personal best every minute of every day. Amen

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