Friday, September 6, 2013

Faith Tested

I went to an amazing funeral yesterday and, as is often the case with funerals, my own faith was tested. It was standing room only with 12+ priests concelebrating and every single surviving family member had a part because every single surviving family member practices their faith. That was the astounding part. Her legacy is OHANA because no one was left behind or forgotten. What a strong testament of Mary's faith as shown and reflected in her family's faith. If only we all could be a reflection of the Father's love the way this family was a reflection of their mother's love.

MY faith was challenged because I'm not sure I will be survived by that kind of legacy and it makes it even harder since I do not have children or even nieces and nephews. My faith legacy will have to be in the people that I meet and befriend and that was a pretty sobering thought. I know that God is working through me (I'd be really dumb and self absorbed if I didn't know it), but is my own personal faith/TRUST in God so very evident that it overflows and pours out so abundantly on the people who are close to me? Or do the people who are close to me, get the worst of me and somehow strangers get my best? I simply do not know. But Mary Sperrazzo's funeral made me want to become a better person, friend, sister, daughter, cousin, and Christian.

I have been blessed to be surrounded by wonderful people like Mary and her family and I only hope that I can be a ray of light to others like they have been to me. Tests are great because they teach me what I don't know yet and what I need to study in order to pass it the next time. May my faith be witnessed in my every word and action so that others will see Christ working through me and then we can all party in heaven together!

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