Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Broken Heart | December 16, 2015

December 16, 2015

Today’s readings call us to be undivided in our hearts. There is ONE Lord, ONE Christ, ONE and only ONE who can save us. I’ll admit that I’ve had a divided heart for years. My earthly relationships (as amazing and wonderful as they have been) have divided my heart in two with one half devoted to God and the other half devoted to them. But when it comes down to it, a divided heart is really a broken heart and only when I commit my entire heart to God will I ever be truly free. When we give all we also gain all and if my heart belongs totally to God then and only then will I be able to love others the way God loves us. To love someone with a broken heart is to only love them half way and God wants so much more for us. As long as my heart remains broken, so to will my love remain…broken.

The good news is that God’s mercy is bigger than my divided heart and he will enter in to fix it ANY TIME I am truly ready to allow that, but this is where it gets tricky. I have to be willing to let God heal my heart as He sees fit and that might mean clearing out some of my attachments most especially people, habits, and of course my past sins. I’ve set up little altars to these things in one half of my heart and I have worked very hard on making those altars pretty darn lovely and shiny. All my hard work and investment to these altars over the years would be demolished and I’m so dang sentimental that it just seems wrong to do that.

Advent is a time to prepare and sometimes preparing means cleaning your house for company, sprucing the place up to make guests feel welcome, rearranging the furniture, dusting away the muck, and removing any trash that is stinking the place up. This is fairly easy to do in the material world, but it can be extremely hard in the spiritual world. I pray that I can give my whole heart back to the ONE who created it, my Beloved, so that it will no longer be broken but ONE.  Love well today. God speaks so beautifully through Isaiah today:

Reading 1 IS 45:6C-8, 18, 21C-25

I am the LORD, there is no other;
I form the light, and create the darkness,
I make well-being and create woe;
I, the LORD, do all these things.
Let justice descend, O heavens, like dew from above,
like gentle rain let the skies drop it down.
Let the earth open and salvation bud forth;
let justice also spring up!
I, the LORD, have created this.

For thus says the LORD,
The creator of the heavens,
who is God,
The designer and maker of the earth
who established it,
Not creating it to be a waste,
but designing it be lived in:
I am the LORD, and there is no other.

Who announced this from the beginning
and foretold it from of old?
Was it not I, the LORD,
besides whom there is no other God?
There is no just and saving God but me.

Turn to me and be safe,
all you ends of the earth,
for I am God; there is no other!
By myself I swear,
uttering my just decree
and my unalterable word:
To me every knee shall bend;
by me every tongue shall swear,
Saying, “Only in the LORD
are just deeds and power.
Before him in shame shall come
all who vent their anger against him.
In the LORD shall be the vindication and the glory
of all the descendants of Israel.”

Responsorial Psalm PS 85:9AB AND 10, 11-12, 13-14

R. (Isaiah 45:8) Let the clouds rain down the Just One, and the earth bring forth a Savior.
I will hear what God proclaims;
the LORD –for he proclaims peace to his people.
Near indeed is his salvation to those who fear him,
glory dwelling in our land.
R. Let the clouds rain down the Just One, and the earth bring forth a Savior.
Kindness and truth shall meet;
justice and peace shall kiss.
Truth shall spring out of the earth,
and justice shall look down from heaven.
R. Let the clouds rain down the Just One, and the earth bring forth a Savior.
The LORD himself will give his benefits;
our land shall yield its increase.
Justice shall walk before him,
and salvation, along the way of his steps.
R. Let the clouds rain down the Just One, and the earth bring forth a Savior.

Alleluia SEE IS 40:9-10

R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Raise your voice and tell the Good News:
Behold, the Lord GOD comes with power.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel LK 7:18B-23

At that time,
John summoned two of his disciples and sent them to the Lord to ask,
“Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?” 
When the men came to the Lord, they said,
“John the Baptist has sent us to you to ask,
‘Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?’”
At that time Jesus cured many of their diseases, sufferings, and evil spirits;
he also granted sight to many who were blind. 
And Jesus said to them in reply,
“Go and tell John what you have seen and heard:
the blind regain their sight,
the lame walk,
lepers are cleansed,
the deaf hear, the dead are raised, 
the poor have the good news proclaimed to them. 
And blessed is the one who takes no offense at me.”

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