Friday, August 2, 2019

Mobile Home

Being launched from our homes is a crucial part of our becoming. The baby bird must be pushed out of the nest in order to fly. It is important to “cut the umbilical cord” so as to gain independence. It seems that when we go out on our own we discover the deeper truer versions of ourselves, and our coming home is an opportunity to connect with our roots or foundation. Going out is a dynamic effort and coming home is one that anchors us to a fixed point. Today’s gospel is an example of launched Jesus, living as Messiah and being the truest version of himself, returning home to a dispirited environment that wants to remain fixed to the familiar and the homey. At first they are “astonished” by his poise and expanded-ness, and then they go where a lot of us go to when we are among shininess: jealousy, mud slinging, and pride. Boo. “And they took offense to him.” I feel like “offense” is one of the enemy’s sneakiest tools to divide us. It always presents itself as a noble effort, especially in the political or religious arenas; however, it is simply a tactic to incite pride, the deadliest of all sins. The result of them taking offense at him? “And he did not work many mighty deeds there because of their lack of faith.” Offense at Jesus’ becoming his true self depleted their own faith and miracles were obstructed because of it. Ugh. Pride blocks the Holy Spirit and “a prophet is not without honor except in his native place and in his own house.” 

So what does this mean for us? God is a dynamic and astonishing presence that is constantly launching love into the world. We want to pin it down, to hold it in our hand, to catch it and keep it home, but it needs to move out in order to be the deepest and truest version of itself. Sometimes we take offense at the movement of God and we want to keep Him small. Today I’m reminded that the vastness of God moves out and I have the choice of being astonished by His wisdom and mighty deeds or offended. I also have the beautiful honor of hosting His presence, and making my very life His home. I pray that I will be a “mobile home” for Him, because God needs to move out. Let’s be a place of honor for Jesus today so that our lack of faith does not thwart the miraculous. It is well with my soul. 

Reading 1 LV 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34B-37

The LORD said to Moses,
"These are the festivals of the LORD which you shall celebrate
at their proper time with a sacred assembly.
The Passover of the LORD falls on the fourteenth day of the first month,
at the evening twilight.
The fifteenth day of this month is the LORD's feast of Unleavened Bread.
For seven days you shall eat unleavened bread.
On the first of these days you shall hold a sacred assembly
and do no sort of work.
On each of the seven days you shall offer an oblation to the LORD.
Then on the seventh day you shall again hold a sacred assembly
and do no sort of work."

The LORD said to Moses, "Speak to the children of Israel and tell them:
When you come into the land which I am giving you,
and reap your harvest,
you shall bring a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest
to the priest, who shall wave the sheaf before the LORD
that it may be acceptable for you.
On the day after the sabbath the priest shall do this.

"Beginning with the day after the sabbath,
the day on which you bring the wave-offering sheaf,
you shall count seven full weeks,
and then on the day after the seventh week, the fiftieth day,
you shall present the new cereal offering to the LORD.

"The tenth of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement,
when you shall hold a sacred assembly and mortify yourselves
and offer an oblation to the LORD.

"The fifteenth day of this seventh month is the LORD's feast of Booths,
which shall continue for seven days.
On the first day there shall be a sacred assembly,
and you shall do no sort of work.
For seven days you shall offer an oblation to the LORD,
and on the eighth day you shall again hold a sacred assembly
and offer an oblation to the LORD.
On that solemn closing you shall do no sort of work.

"These, therefore, are the festivals of the LORD
on which you shall proclaim a sacred assembly,
and offer as an oblation to the LORD burnt offerings and cereal offerings,
sacrifices and libations, as prescribed for each day."

Responsorial Psalm PS 81:3-4, 5-6, 10-11AB

R. (2a)  Sing with joy to God our help.
Take up a melody, and sound the timbrel,
the pleasant harp and the lyre.
Blow the trumpet at the new moon,
at the full moon, on our solemn feast.
R. Sing with joy to God our help.
For it is a statute in Israel,
an ordinance of the God of Jacob,
Who made it a decree for Joseph
when he came forth from the land of Egypt.
R.  Sing with joy to God our help.
There shall be no strange god among you
nor shall you worship any alien god.
I, the LORD, am your God
who led you forth from the land of Egypt.
R. Sing with joy to God our help.

Alleluia 1 PT 1:25

R. Alleluia, alleluia.
The word of the Lord remains forever;
This is the word that has been proclaimed to you.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel MT 13:54-58

Jesus came to his native place and taught the people in their synagogue.
They were astonished and said,
"Where did this man get such wisdom and mighty deeds?
Is he not the carpenter's son?
Is not his mother named Mary
and his brothers James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas?
Are not his sisters all with us?
Where did this man get all this?"
And they took offense at him.
But Jesus said to them,
"A prophet is not without honor except in his native place
and in his own house."
And he did not work many mighty deeds there
because of their lack of faith.

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