Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Deacons Are The New Black | September 15, 2015

 September 15, 2015

Raise your hand if you know any amazing Deacons? Raise your hand if you think that their wives are living saints? I may know an amazing Deacon or two or twelve, and I DEFINITELY know that their wives are walking testaments of sacrificial love and patience. It’s not easy being married to the Church because let’s face it, the Church is teeming with needy people (cough cough) and since Deacons are the new black because of a shortage of priests, those needy people call on their service even more than ever.  The word diaconia means: service, ministering, esp. of those who execute the commands of others; of those who by the command of God proclaim and promote religion among men of the office; of Moses of the office; of the apostles and its administration; of the office of prophets, evangelists, elders etc. the ministration; of those who render to others the offices of Christian affection esp. those who help meet need by either collecting or distributing; of charities the office; of the Deacon in the church the service of those who prepare and present food. Holy cow, that is a lot of things!!!! Well, guess what, their wives while not responsible for all of the above, are asked to support their husbands in whatever way they can for all of the above. This often requires changing their own plans, giving up an evening with their spouse, attending masses at various times other than the time they prefer, listening to their homilies umpteen hundred times, sharing their spouse with a congregation of sometimes thousands of people, and basically having all eyes on them because they are now in the spotlight just because they are the Deacon’s wife. That is some serious sacrifice. That is love.

Today is the Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows and I couldn’t quite figure out why the first reading was all about Bishops and Deacons. The gist of it is that those in leadership positions within the Church are called to the highest standard of living. Basically don’t live with any scandal in any part of your life and focus on being trustworthy, hospitable, and dignified. I’m just going to direct all of our thoughts toward Pope Francis as the poster boy for this first reading. Study him and you will know what a trustworthy, hospitable, and dignified Church leader looks like. He’s coming here in one week!!!!

In honor of Our Lady of Sorrows, today’s gospel is that heartbreaking scene of Mary and John at the foot of the cross when Jesus uses some of his final breath to make sure that John and Mary know that his dying wish is that they unite as mother and child. John represents us, the church, and Jesus took great effort to make sure that we understand that we are to behold Mary as our Mother.  Much like a Deacon’s wife, Mary willingly supported her beloved Son as he served the community through preaching, healing, ministry of presence, and putting himself at the service of others. Mary might have spent many a night worried about her son, many a Sabbath in synagogue without him, a lonely dinner time or two, change of plans with him at the last minute, etc. Deacon’s wives can definitely relate to this part of ministry I’m sure. Scripture tells us that Mary pondered things in her heart.  What a beautiful witness that shows us that she was a woman of deep faith, prayer, trust, and that she kept things in her heart. That means she keeps US in her heart. As the spouse of the Holy Spirit, Mary has inherited all of us as her children. No wonder she is called Our Lady of Sorrows. Being a mom to God is one thing…I mean He was a perfect child, but being a mom to all of us…well, that’s a whole other ballgame because I’m just going to go out on a limb and say that we might be a lot to handle!!!

I cannot even begin to understand the suffering and sorrow that Mary experienced in her life and as her son was brutally tortured and killed. I cannot imagine what it was like for Mary to watch Jesus go go go all the time with more work to be done. I cannot wrap my brain around sharing your beloved son with thousands of adoring fans and hundreds of un-adoring adversaries. I cannot comprehend all the sacrifices Mary made in her life, but there are women in my life that do understand…Deacon’s wives. They get this kind of love and they get what pondering things in your heart means, and they get sharing their spouses with strangers, and they get watching their husbands go go go with more work to be done. Behind every good Deacon is a wife that looks like Mary. So, if you know a Deacon’s wife, give them a shout out today, because they teach us about sacrificial love, and gracefulness, and true diaconia! Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.

Shout outs: 
Mattie, Debby, Julie, Elena, Lidia, Nancy, Linda, Susie!! 
I love you so!!

Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows
Lectionary: 444/639

Reading 1 1 TM 3:1-13

Beloved, this saying is trustworthy:
whoever aspires to the office of bishop desires a noble task.
Therefore, a bishop must be irreproachable,
married only once, temperate, self-controlled,
decent, hospitable, able to teach,
not a drunkard, not aggressive, but gentle,
not contentious, not a lover of money.
He must manage his own household well,
keeping his children under control with perfect dignity;
for if a man does not know how to manage his own household,
how can he take care of the Church of God?
He should not be a recent convert,
so that he may not become conceited
and thus incur the Devil’s punishment.
He must also have a good reputation among outsiders,
so that he may not fall into disgrace, the Devil’s trap.

Similarly, deacons must be dignified, not deceitful,
not addicted to drink, not greedy for sordid gain,
holding fast to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience.
Moreover, they should be tested first;
then, if there is nothing against them,
let them serve as deacons.
Women, similarly, should be dignified, not slanderers,
but temperate and faithful in everything.
Deacons may be married only once
and must manage their children and their households well.
Thus those who serve well as deacons gain good standing
and much confidence in their faith in Christ Jesus.

Responsorial Psalm PS 101:1B-2AB, 2CD-3AB, 5, 6

R. (2) I will walk with blameless heart.
Of mercy and judgment I will sing;
to you, O LORD, I will sing praise.
I will persevere in the way of integrity;
when will you come to me?
R. I will walk with blameless heart.
I will walk with blameless heart,
within my house;
I will not set before my eyes
any base thing.
R. I will walk with blameless heart.
Whoever slanders his neighbor in secret,
him will I destroy.
The man of haughty eyes and puffed up heart
I will not endure.
R. I will walk with blameless heart.
My eyes are upon the faithful of the land,
that they may dwell with me.
He who walks in the way of integrity
shall be in my service.
R. I will walk with blameless heart.


R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Blessed are you, O Virgin Mary;
without dying you won the martyr's crown
beneath the Cross of the Lord.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel JN 19:25-27

Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother
and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas,
and Mary Magdalene.
When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved
he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son.”
Then he said to the disciple,
“Behold, your mother.”
And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.

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