Thursday, August 21, 2014

Veni Sancte Spiritus

Come, Holy Spirit. I went to the Red Mass (of the Holy Spirit) today at Cathedral Catholic and I just love being a product of Catholic Education because there is something so special about the first Mass of the school year. I loved loved loved that everyone was dressed in red because from where I was sitting, it truly looked like the fire of the Holy Spirit. That's one of the really amazing things about being Catholic is that we like to capture the theme (or the hashtag # if you will) utilizing all the senses: sight, smell, touch, taste, and sound. It's all there and when all 5 are engaged and hopefully united in their message (theme/hashtag) then this magical mystical cosmic thing happens, it fills the room, you feel it blow by your face, you see it dancing, you hear it singing, you smell its perfume, you can even taste it on your tongue - veni sancte spiritus - the Holy Spirit arrives and we are never the same.

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