Friday, August 22, 2014

Go with the flow

I really like this reflection by Richard Rohr. Have a day spent steeped in grace.

Living in the Flow

Friday, August 22, 2014

If the Trinitarian life flows between us, then every aspect of our lives is something that we can allow, enjoy, and steward. A Trinitarian theology gives you the understanding that you are being guided and you are participating in the Great Mystery. And it has very little to do with you except, like Mary, your “yes” seems to be crucial. It matters. It seems that God does not operate uninvited.
You are a part of the flow. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—and you too, to the degree you say “yes”—are each perfectly giving and perfectly receiving, without any obstruction to the divine flow. Each person of the Trinity welcomes 100% of what is offered, which is entire and unrestricted. This is called Grace. To simply receive is always a humiliation, yet it is even harder to immediately let go of what you’ve freely received.
You can live this mystery yourself. Trust love, trust communion, trust vulnerability, and trust mutuality. Always seek to be in relationship, finding little ways to serve others, to serve the sick, to serve the poor who cannot pay you back. Know that your heart is given to you and needs to be handed on, just like the Trinity. And you’ll begin to know yourself inside this mystery called Love.
Don’t try to work this out too much with your head. Just trust the flow of the most natural, dynamic, and positive energy that’s already flowing through you. It will feel like Love.

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