Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Why do stars twinkle?

·      Dancing to the beat of grace?
·      Jumping for joy?
·      Playing peak-a-boo with each other?
·      Breathing in and out?
·      Celestial fist pumping?
·      Heavenly strobe light?
·      An epic rave in the sky?
·      Heartbeat of the angels?
·      Clap on, clap off?

I think all of the above and reasons beyond my understanding too
            and I praise the Lord for this gorgeous display of His love
            glittering away the fear and darkness from my soul.

So dance, jump, play, breathe, pump, beat, and clap away bright stars
            and I will do the same right back at ya!!! #twinkleparty #starrave #shine

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Summer seems to be surrendering.
Retreating but still fighting as
fall begins to gain an ever slight lead in the race toward fullness.

The air starts to nibble on ears and toes
and thoughts of fireplace cuddling
creep in like fog that makes you want to
stay in bed and eat soup.

Fall. Tis the season for bundling and cute clothes,
nostalgia and tradition,
football and gathering,
falling back and resting in arms that
always catch and are always ready for
fireplace cuddling.

So fall, without delay so that dreams,
and fullness, and resting can begin.

Fall and be caught by love.
Fall and be caught.
Fall and be.

Monday, October 27, 2014


Roof tops and bells sing red tiled lullabies
                                ancient tales of sinners and saints and saints and sinners.

Cathedrals and brothels open their arms
                                                          to faithful patrons longing to be found
                                                            sinners and saints and saints an sinners

Plants and laundry swing
                                from lover's ledges of yonder light
                                       calling     -     sighing     -     reaching for love.

Souls, souls, and more souls
                                        darting, rushing, smoking, praying
                     as red tiled lullabies, open arms, and sighing lovers wish and sing and save and find.

Ciao Roma, until we meet again. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

I Am Your Instrument

By Jen Bedison
God, you created all  G O O D  things,
                                                all  L O V E L Y  things,
                                                            all  H A R M O N I O U S  things,
                                                                and all things that bring  J O Y  to people.

I give myself to you so that with my life, you would also bring
G O O D   -   L O V E L Y   -   H A R M O N I O U S   -   and   J O Y F U L
                                                                                                fruits into the world.
Play W H A T E V E R music you see fit through me
(and I am sure it will not be limited to just one type)
           and help me to succumb with 
                               F I N E S S E ,  R E S P E C T ,  and P A S S I O N.

May I always keep my instrument
F I N E L Y   T U N E D , P O L I S H E D, and R E A D Y  to go
                                                     and let me never keep it just for display 
                                                                but to be used by you.
I’ll play A N Y tune you’d like, however,
I am not the best R A P P E R
                             so maybe we can leave the
                                                      R A P P I N G  to someone else,   
                                               B U T ,
                               I’ll totally do it if you want!!
I pray to be
L I G H T – H E A R T E D
P O O R   I N   S P I R I T
P E A C E   M A K I N G , and
T H E   B E S T   V E R S I O N   O F   M Y S E L F  
                       so that all will know that I   B E L O N G to you.

You are a M A S T E R musician and I  C O N S E C R A T E my life 
                                                                                     as your
                                                      F A I T H F U L   I N S T R U M E N T
                                                            O P E N   and   A V A I L A B L E 
                                                                 to let you do your thing in me.

So  B R E A T H E  or  S T R U M  or  P I C K  or even  K I C K
                                    your melody as loud or as soft as you like.
                                                I am yours. Sing your song in me.  Amen.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Go with the flow

I really like this reflection by Richard Rohr. Have a day spent steeped in grace.

Living in the Flow

Friday, August 22, 2014

If the Trinitarian life flows between us, then every aspect of our lives is something that we can allow, enjoy, and steward. A Trinitarian theology gives you the understanding that you are being guided and you are participating in the Great Mystery. And it has very little to do with you except, like Mary, your “yes” seems to be crucial. It matters. It seems that God does not operate uninvited.
You are a part of the flow. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—and you too, to the degree you say “yes”—are each perfectly giving and perfectly receiving, without any obstruction to the divine flow. Each person of the Trinity welcomes 100% of what is offered, which is entire and unrestricted. This is called Grace. To simply receive is always a humiliation, yet it is even harder to immediately let go of what you’ve freely received.
You can live this mystery yourself. Trust love, trust communion, trust vulnerability, and trust mutuality. Always seek to be in relationship, finding little ways to serve others, to serve the sick, to serve the poor who cannot pay you back. Know that your heart is given to you and needs to be handed on, just like the Trinity. And you’ll begin to know yourself inside this mystery called Love.
Don’t try to work this out too much with your head. Just trust the flow of the most natural, dynamic, and positive energy that’s already flowing through you. It will feel like Love.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Veni Sancte Spiritus

Come, Holy Spirit. I went to the Red Mass (of the Holy Spirit) today at Cathedral Catholic and I just love being a product of Catholic Education because there is something so special about the first Mass of the school year. I loved loved loved that everyone was dressed in red because from where I was sitting, it truly looked like the fire of the Holy Spirit. That's one of the really amazing things about being Catholic is that we like to capture the theme (or the hashtag # if you will) utilizing all the senses: sight, smell, touch, taste, and sound. It's all there and when all 5 are engaged and hopefully united in their message (theme/hashtag) then this magical mystical cosmic thing happens, it fills the room, you feel it blow by your face, you see it dancing, you hear it singing, you smell its perfume, you can even taste it on your tongue - veni sancte spiritus - the Holy Spirit arrives and we are never the same.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Burning in my Soul

There is power, power. Here in this hour, this hour.
We're all together, together. Waiting here as one.

Get stoked at Mass. 
Hearts on fire for God need some stoking and spending time with THE LIGHT and THE SALT is the best way to get stoked. Let the Holy Spirit breathe on the fire in your heart and grace will re-ignite the flames that may need a little extra fuel. 

Whoa, hear the sound from Heaven. Whoa, a mighty rushing wind.
Who, we're calling for revival. God, let your fire fall again!

Get stoked at Mass.
Fire makes beautiful music. Sometimes it is a quiet crackle, sometimes a roaring storm, sometimes a sweet hum. Sounds from Heaven are the same and they whisper or they roar but they always call us sweetly to unite our hearts with the heart of Christ. 

It's burning in my soul.
It's burning in my soul.

Get stoked in Mass.
When we gather together as one, our souls burn within us whether we "feel" it or not. Grace poured over us through the WORD and the EUCHARIST is the gas poured onto our already kindled flames and our souls transform like gold tested in fire. We become refined, a reflection of God's face, and we are never the same.

Get stoked in Mass. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Drop In

Years ago, we started this thing called "Drop In". Kids could just "drop in" to the Youth Room any time they. In fact, that's how the idea of Fred's Place got started. Drop In became so popular that we literally outgrew my old office. So we started brainstorming each week about having a Youth Center that would hold all of us specifically for Drop In. Some lofty ideas came out of those sessions like a mote with a lazy river going around the perimeter, and an animatronic statue of Msgr. Fred, and a foam pit to dive into, etc. etc. We all thought it was just a pipe dream but due to the generosity of a person we will call Uncle Tim, Fred’s Place became reality and for the past several weeks we have had the kinds of Drop Ins that this place was ultimately created for.

My favorite thing to do is eaves drop on teens in their element. Their conversations are wild but glorious and now, more than ever, their need for connection, true connection, is paramount in their lives. Fred’s Place gives them a reason to gather, face to face, and heart to heart. I get to experience them in the beginning stages of life-long friendships. I see them as they take care of one another, laugh with one another, and grow with one another. I am there for the break ups, the struggles, the goodbyes, and the grief as well. I am there.

Souls unite at Drop In, at Fred’s Place, at St. Therese. Wherever two or more are gathered in His name, He is there. My job has brought me infinite blessings but one of my very favorite things is when this place fills with teens whose hearts are on fire for God, for each other, and for relationship! It doesn’t get much better than that. Drop In and experience the communion.

Drop In is every Tuesday after school until 6:00pm