Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I am trying to find the best angle.

Looking down?
Looking up?
How’s my make-up?
No smile?

There are so many ways to look at myself.
But what really captures me?
The way I look affects the way I look.

When I am loving well
When I am doing good
When I am trusting God
When I am singing
When I am rejoicing
When I am smiling
When I am praying

A ha – when I am looking at you.

     This is my best angle,
     This is my best,
     This is my,
     This is,

My best selfie is when I am looking at you.

My best selfie is your reflection in my eyes.

My best selfie is your love.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Mercy's Delight

A soft fuzzy light tiptoes across my prayer time.
        It reminds me of my delight in you.
                        The gentleness of its stare
                                                               and the generosity of its warmth
                    help me to see that you are the hidden treasure that longs to be found.

You are buried deep in the dark, murky waters of suffering and loneliness.

Sea monsters deter me.
Waves knock me down.
Sharks attack.

            But you need your little saints (me), to brave the wild and find you:           
                                                                                                              with MERCY.

As I discover you, I discover your heart beating with mine and it takes my breath away
                                                                                                  because I am a sinner.

              But your grace fills my lungs and mercy floods my soul so that I am able
                                                                                                           to exhale my delight back to you.

Help me to tiptoe your mercy into the world so that others will know 
                                                                                          of your soft and fuzzy delight!

Monday, October 21, 2013

There's a fire, shut up in my bones...

I want to be a black gospel singer. There, I said it. Black gospel music makes me happier than any other kind of music and gospel singers have a particular charisma that makes me want to move. It's a fire that is shut up in my bones and I it burns so hot that I feel like I will explode sometimes. I want to move and dance and smile and clap and get down every time I hear it. That is some kind of magic gift and I thank God for touching the special people he has with that gift. While I am a musician and a pretty darn spunky one at that, I am no gospel singer. I have rhythm but not that special swagger that gospel singers have. But......I think I have it down in my soul and I need to release it somehow. So I am on a gospel quest. I shall listen to gospel music for the next month and I will see if that fire shut in my bones bursts forth! I hope and pray that it does.

Look out world because Jen is the new black. I say all these things with the greatest sincerity and love and I hope there is no offense taken. I love the LORD.