Friday, October 4, 2019

Feast of St. Francis

For the Feast of St. Francis, I thought I would share a couple of poems. Francis wanted to be an instrument of God's peace, that shalom I wrote about yesterday, and the first poem is about the kind of instrument I'd like to be. Perhaps you can meditate on the ways God uses you as an instrument or how you'd also like to be used. The second poem was written in Assisi at St. Clare's convent, San Damiano, which is the sight where Francis first heard the voice of God speak to him through the crucifix hanging in a small chapel. He wrote his Canticle the Creatures here, and his life was changed forever by these words, "Francis, go and repair my house which, as you see, is falling into ruin.” Francis’ love for God was radical, reckless, and steeped in contemplation. May we be echoes of God’s shalom today. 

I Am Your Instrument
By Jennifer Lyn

            God, you created all  GOOD  things,
                                                all LOVELY  things,
                                                            all HARMONIOUS  things,
                                                                        and all things that bring  JOY  to people.
I give myself to you so that with my life, you would also bring 
                                                                                                fruits into the world.

Play WHATEVER music you see fit through me 
and help me to succumb with FINESSE ,  RESPECT ,  and PASSION

May I always keep my instrument 
and let me never keep it just for display but to be used by you. 
I’ll play ANY tune you’d like, however, 
I am not the best RAPPER
                                                 so maybe we can leave the
                                                                        RAPPING  to someone else,   
        I’ll totally do it if you want!!
I pray to be 
so that all will know that  I BELONG to you. 

You are a MASTER musician and I  CONSECRATE  my life as your 
       OPEN   and   AVAILABLE 
          to let you do your thing in me. 

So  BREATHE  or  STRUM  or  PICK  or even  KICK 
your melody as loud or as soft as you like. 
I am yours. Sing your song in me.  Amen.

Canticle Of San Damiano
By Jennifer Lyn

Silver olive trees coat the slopes with a peaceful easy feeling.

Orange-breasted birds (from a cartoon) hop toward me…
Maybe they think I am the enchanted Princess they have been waiting for 
to tie bows in my hair while they sing!

A flock of sparrows just flew by and the sound was like 
a purring cat gliding through a cloud. 

The cloud hugs the horizon just sitting on the tops of trees 
so that my view is not hidden, 
but so I won’t forget that it is indeed fall. 

Dew drops and rain sparkles dress every blade and leaf and even 
the Aurora Borealis has nothing 
on the lights and colors of their dewy display. 

The air is tranquil and the soft haze sits just so these silhouettes of grace 
have the perfect background to look their very best 
as I sketch them with words. 

Green and orange covered rooftops lie perfectly still 
providing a resting place for 
birds and moss and sun and rain and years of legends untold. 

Nuns and friars walk in prayer, silent and joyful, because they live here.

I soak it all in and pour it out onto this page, 
humble and meek is my attempt, but it is well with my soul. 

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