Thursday, June 20, 2019

This Is US

As I was reflecting on the gospel today what deeply touched me is that Jesus is such an amazing teacher. He was so intentional with everything he said and taught and showed and imparted to his disciples and to us. His teachings are very simple and yet I am always trying to complicate them with my own thinking. Jesus reminds us today that God already knows what we need before we even ask, and the point of prayer is for the transformation of our own hearts, minds, and wills, not to “babble on like the pagans”. He gives us the “Our Father” as a template, if you will, for our prayer time. 

This is how you are to pray…”Our Father…” right away and yet again, Jesus wants to establish that we are to be in communion with one another, hence the use of the word “Our” in regards to the Father. He invites us to be family with Him and with one another as the first order of business in our prayer life. One little word can hold the entire universe! “This is us” has become quite the trendy buzz phrase these days because of the ever popular TV drama This Is Us that deals with complicated modern-day family life issues. It is poignant and emotional and raw and it uses flashbacks and flash forwards to shed light on the present in a complex family system. Every kind of relevant issue is dealt with and at the heart of each is their ultimate relationship with their parents. Each one is in a unique relationship with each parent and yet they claim their “us-ness” as one family. Sounds like the body of Christ doesn’t it? We are one complicated family system and our collective experience of our individual relationships with our Maker is what contributes to our “us.” Is that just way too confusing? I know my brain kind of hurts, but just read it again and sit with it for a minute. Here are the words to the “Our Father” and I’m just going to capitalize all the “us’s” and plural pronouns so we can let this sink in a bit. 

“OUR Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give US this day OUR daily bread; and forgive US OUR trespasses, as WE forgive those who trespass against US; and lead US not into temptation, but deliver US from evil.” 

This is US. Jesus wants me to be an US. At the assisted living facility where I work we have multi-denominational worship services and the “Our Father” is our glue. WE pray it together and WE enter into the US-ness of the Trinity each time we join our hearts in this prayer. Communion is always what Jesus seeks and yet it is imperative that I have my personal relationship with him in thriving order or my contribution to the “US” will be less than. We strengthen each other in our “US” by our confidence in our one on one time with the Lord. It’s a both/and situation. This is US is fueled by my eyelash-to-eyelash time with Our Father. How’s that for poignant and emotional and raw? This is US and WE are the complex and wonderful family of God. Let US pray this prayer with one another today in a special way. It is well with my soul.  

I’ve shared this every time this gospel comes up and thought it would be good to pass on today as well. My thoughts for each of the seven petitions from the “Our Father”:

1.    Hallowed be your name | First, we acknowledge God as holy, honorable, beautiful, good. Praise, praise, praise. 
2.   Your Kingdom come | We ask God to be the sovereign of our hearts, minds, and wills so that the kingdom of love will reign. 
3.   Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven | We want God’s will to direct our lives. 
4.   Give US this day our daily bread | The Greek word for daily is translated “super substantial” and this petition asks God to give us all that we need to be fortified super substantially in body and spirit. 
5.   Forgive US our trespasses as WE forgive those who trespass against US | We are asking God to only forgive us as much as we forgive others! Sit with that a minute.
6.   Lead US not into temptation | Jesus knows that sin and temptation are very much a part of our daily lives and so he wants us to acknowledge that in our prayer so that we will allow grace to win over those tests. 
7.   Deliver US from evil | Deliverance from evil is probably one of God’s favorite things to do, but we have to ask Him for it. This deliverance is from all our sins, past, present, and future. 

Reading 1 2 COR 11:1-11

Brothers and sisters:
If only you would put up with a little foolishness from me!
Please put up with me.
For I am jealous of you with the jealousy of God,
since I betrothed you to one husband
to present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning,
your thoughts may be corrupted
from a sincere and pure commitment to Christ.
For if someone comes and preaches another Jesus than the one we preached,
or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received
or a different gospel from the one you accepted,
you put up with it well enough.
For I think that I am not in any way inferior to these "superapostles."
Even if I am untrained in speaking, I am not so in knowledge;
in every way we have made this plain to you in all things.

Did I make a mistake when I humbled myself so that you might be exalted,
because I preached the Gospel of God to you without charge?
I plundered other churches by accepting from them
in order to minister to you.
And when I was with you and in need, I did not burden anyone,
for the brothers who came from Macedonia
supplied my needs.
So I refrained and will refrain from burdening you in any way.
By the truth of Christ in me,
this boast of mine shall not be silenced
in the regions of Achaia.
And why?  Because I do not love you?
God knows I do!

Responsorial Psalm PS 111:1B-2, 3-4, 7-8

R.(7a) Your works, O Lord, are justice and truth.
R. Alleluia.
I will give thanks to the LORD with all my heart
in the company and assembly of the just.
Great are the works of the LORD,
exquisite in all their delights.
R. Your works, O Lord, are justice and truth.
R. Alleluia.
Majesty and glory are his work,
and his justice endures forever.
He has won renown for his wondrous deeds;
gracious and merciful is the LORD.
R. Your works, O Lord, are justice and truth.
R. Alleluia.
The works of his hands are faithful and just;
sure are all his precepts,
Reliable forever and ever,
wrought in truth and equity.
R. Your works, O Lord, are justice and truth.
R. Alleluia.

Alleluia ROM 8:15BC

R. Alleluia, alleluia.
You have received a spirit of adoption as sons
through which we cry: Abba! Father!
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel MT 6:7-15

Jesus said to his disciples:
"In praying, do not babble like the pagans,
who think that they will be heard because of their many words.
Do not be like them.
Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

"This is how you are to pray:

'Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name,
thy Kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.'

"If you forgive others their transgressions,
your heavenly Father will forgive you.
But if you do not forgive others,
neither will your Father forgive your transgressions."

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