Thursday, January 31, 2019

Candlelight Relationship

First of all, light is the hardest thing in the world to hide. It peaks out from underneath closet doors, one tiny blue TV light can illuminate a room, nightlights help you make it to the bathroom unscathed, screen lights can light up an entire movie theatre, even the glossy in our eyes can catch the light and give us away. Light is one of those things that cannot be hidden. I used to think this gospel was meant for me as a personal encouragement to let my light or my gifts shine in the world. In my current spiritual season, however, this gospel unveils something new for me. My relationship with Jesus, as it grows deeper, wider, and more intimate is the light shining on the things in my life with which I personally need to deal. These things are not meant to be exposed to everyone, but to me personally so that I can address them in the gentle light of his unconditional love where there is no shame, no gossip, no false judgment, no jealousy, no hate, no ugliness. His light is not the harsh light of interrogation meant to flush out all your darkness, but a lovely gentle flicker meant to wash over those hidden places of sin and shame that keep me in the dark. He is the light and keeping him under the bed or hiding him away will never allow us to bask in the peaceful glow of the love that wants us free from that darkness. When we spend time in the light we want to spend more time in the light. This light is for us to work out and let him work out the things that have stolen our own light. 

Sometimes our eyes need to adjust to the light especially when the darkness has been prolonged, so revelation happens gradually as we are ready for it. To turn all the lights on at once would be even more blinding, confusing, and traumatic, however, our Good Good Father sent the soft glow of his son Jesus to pierce our darkness ever so tenderly if we come to him with open hearts and ears. The Passion Translation of today’s gospel says, “Be diligent to understand the meaning behind everything you hear, for as you do, more understanding will be given to you. And according to the depth of your longing to understand, much more will be added to you. For those who listen with open hearts will receive more revelation.” Today’s gospel is about letting the light of Christ illuminate our own hiddenness and in that complete exposure to his love all will be revealed according to the longing of our heart. A personal, tender, illuminated, and open relationship with Jesus will uncover all that we are to see so that we can in turn be all that we are meant to be. 

I pray that we let him gently flicker a path to wholeness for each of us through a daily commitment to time spent basking in his light. When we open our hiddenness to him, he shines nothing but love and mercy there to heal and cover those parts that call us into deeper hiding. He so wants to be in a candlelight relationship with each and every one of us, where the soft glow of unconditional love and mercy transform our hearts and open our ears to be able to receive MORE. It is well with my soul. 

P.S. Thank you for your love and encouragement at the loss of my sweet dog, Tinkerbell. I knew the day was coming, but I was quite unprepared for the size of the pain of saying goodbye to my little shadow, best friend, prayer partner, and companion for 16 years. Even as I write, I keep hearing her footprints on the wood floors and her snoring like a man. My heart has a huge hole in it today, but a hole only allows more of Jesus’ light in and that is today’s gospel message. Let him into your darkness. 

Memorial of Saint John Bosco, Priest
Lectionary: 320

Reading 1HEB 10:19-25

Brothers and sisters:
Since through the Blood of Jesus
we have confidence of entrance into the sanctuary
by the new and living way he opened for us through the veil,
that is, his flesh,
and since we have "a great priest over the house of God,"
let us approach with a sincere heart and in absolute trust,
with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience
and our bodies washed in pure water.
Let us hold unwaveringly to our confession that gives us hope,
for he who made the promise is trustworthy.
We must consider how to rouse one another to love and good works.
We should not stay away from our assembly,
as is the custom of some, but encourage one another,
and this all the more as you see the day drawing near.

Responsorial Psalm PS 24:1-2, 3-4AB, 5-6

R. (see 6)  Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face.
The LORD's are the earth and its fullness;
the world and those who dwell in it.
For he founded it upon the seas
and established it upon the rivers.
R. Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face.
Who can ascend the mountain of the LORD?
or who may stand in his holy place?
He whose hands are sinless, whose heart is clean,
who desires not what is vain.
R. Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face.
He shall receive a blessing from the LORD,
a reward from God his savior.
Such is the race that seeks for him,
that seeks the face of the God of Jacob.
R. Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face.

AlleluiaPS 119:105

R. Alleluia, alleluia.
A lamp to my feet is your word,
a light to my path.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel MK 4:21-25

Jesus said to his disciples,
"Is a lamp brought in to be placed under a bushel basket
or under a bed,
and not to be placed on a lampstand?
For there is nothing hidden except to be made visible;
nothing is secret except to come to light.
Anyone who has ears to hear ought to hear."
He also told them, "Take care what you hear.
The measure with which you measure will be measured out to you,
and still more will be given to you.
To the one who has, more will be given;
from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away."


  1. Dear Jen, thank you for encouraging us to ascend His Holy Mountain to stand in His place. May we have ears to hear and eyes to see His light. You are a blessing and I pray that you would be comforted today in your grief.

  2. Jen, my heart breaks for your loss, but gosh I love the way you’re viewing her absence (and letting Jesus fill the hole)! Praying for you in your grief.
    Today’s blog is beautiful. I’ve never heard this gospel in the ways you’ve described but I love the analogy and will never not hear it this way again.
    My favorite line: “His light is not the harsh light of interrogation meant to flush out all your darkness, but a lovely gentle flicker meant to wash over those hidden places of sin and shame that keep me in the dark.”
    Thank you for sharing these words with us again! Love you, you’re my favorite.
