I think that the essence of value is something that is "worth" the wait.
We measure the worth of a ride at Disneyland based on the wait time and we measure our love of that ride based on our willingness to stand in line for the full wait time.
We've been waiting for almost 20 years for Notre Dame to get back into the National Championship game and that long long wait is what makes this season so magical. I imagine the Bama folks don't have the same sense of wonder and awe because they just experienced the glory of it all last year. The wait makes it better somehow.
Waiting makes us appreciate what is to come. Waiting grows our patience and the fruit of patience is peace. When I surrender to waiting, I am at peace. When I surrender to the 60 minute wait time for Space Mountain, I am free to enjoy the time spent in anticipation for something exhilarating and wonderful. Anticipation heightens our senses and allows us to soak it all in.
Even though the commercial world think it's Christmas now (I mean I heard Christmas music at the mall the week BEFORE Thanksgiving), we Catholics, know that this time is sacred because we get to WAIT. In all the waiting, our hope increases, our peace engages, and our knowledge that Christ is definitely worth the wait allows us to sleep with sugar plums dancing and beautiful music serenading! Amen
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