Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Summer seems to be surrendering.
Retreating but still fighting as
fall begins to gain an ever slight lead in the race toward fullness.

The air starts to nibble on ears and toes
and thoughts of fireplace cuddling
creep in like fog that makes you want to
stay in bed and eat soup.

Fall. Tis the season for bundling and cute clothes,
nostalgia and tradition,
football and gathering,
falling back and resting in arms that
always catch and are always ready for
fireplace cuddling.

So fall, without delay so that dreams,
and fullness, and resting can begin.

Fall and be caught by love.
Fall and be caught.
Fall and be.

Monday, October 27, 2014


Roof tops and bells sing red tiled lullabies
                                ancient tales of sinners and saints and saints and sinners.

Cathedrals and brothels open their arms
                                                          to faithful patrons longing to be found
                                                            sinners and saints and saints an sinners

Plants and laundry swing
                                from lover's ledges of yonder light
                                       calling     -     sighing     -     reaching for love.

Souls, souls, and more souls
                                        darting, rushing, smoking, praying
                     as red tiled lullabies, open arms, and sighing lovers wish and sing and save and find.

Ciao Roma, until we meet again.