Thursday, March 6, 2014

Creative Ways To Do Lent by St. Therese Youth Group

St. Therese’s High School and Middle School Youth Groups came up with the following list of creative things to do for Lent. God bless you.

  • ·       Only drive the speed limit
  • ·       Actually try in P.E. Class
  • ·       Actually read the books required in school (not Spark Notes)
  • ·       Don’t snack during the day
  • ·       Say 3 positive things for every 1 negative thing
  • ·       No gossip
  • ·       Do not procrastinate
  • ·       Do not listen to music in your car
  • ·       Give up unnecessary phone apps
  • ·       Take shorter showers
  • ·       Give one compliment to someone every day and say “good morning”
  • ·       Give up Snap Chat
  • ·       Dress modestly
  • ·       Say a prayer every time you get a text
  • ·       Compliment 10 people a day
  • ·       Go to one extra daily mass a week
  • ·       Hug 10 people in a week
  • ·       Put a rubber band around your wrist and snap it every time you curse
  • ·       Make positive comments on people’s Instagrams
  • ·       Random acts of kindness every day
  • ·       Give up
  • ·       If you get a like on Instagram, say a Hail Mary
  • ·       If you get a comment on Instagram, say an Our Father
  • ·       If you get a new follower on Instagram, say an entire Rosary
  • ·       Give up hair products (except shampoo/conditioner)
  • ·       Give up make-up
  • ·       If you get stuck behind a slow car or truck, stay there
  • ·       Only ask your parents to drive you to one extra place a week
  • ·       Do what you’re told the first time, and if you don’t, say a Hail Mary
  • ·       If someone gives you a compliment, write it down, keep it and give them out on Easter
  • ·       Say hi to random people
  • ·       Free high fives to friends and schoolmates
  • ·       Pray for patience whenever you get irritated
  • ·       Put an ice cube down your shirt every day
  • ·       Eat a vegetable instead of candy
  • ·       Do push ups when you want junk food
  • ·       Take a 5 minute break from your phone when you think of junk food
  • ·       Do 1 extra chore every time you complain about them
  • ·       Do homework right after school
  • ·       Actually turn your phone in at school
  • ·       Do progressive Hail Marys for each day of Lent (day 1 = 1 Hail Mary, day 2 = 2 Hail Marys, day 40 = 40 Hail Marys)
  • ·       Give up listening to your favorite artist
  • ·       When someone asks you how you’re doing, say “amazing”
  • ·       Don’t check your phone when you are with your family